There are not that much people in the world with the family name Bosdriesz. Most live in the Netherlands, where also the origin of this name lies. The Center for Family History knows in its Family Names Bank 52 Dutch people with this name in 1947 and 47 in 2007, that is their most recent number. According to genealogy portal Forebears there were 72 worldwide in 2014, of which 62 in the Netherlands, 9 in Australia and 1 in the United Arab Emirates.
The same Family Names Bank ranks the name in the category 'composition with first name'. In this case it concerns a noun (bos, in English forest) with first name (Dries). Such a composition prevented the Dries who probably lived in or near the forest from being confused with another Dries. The letter z was probably added by a son: Bosdries son.
More Bosdrieszes can be found on the social networks.
Much more about the activities of all those Bosdrieszen can be found via the well-known search engines.
Or see what was written in dutch newspapers, magazines en books about Bosdriesz between 1781 and 2005.
More history can be found on the website for genealogical research Who was who, where among other things, all published data of the marital status are included. The release of the information, however, only occurs after 50 years for death certificates, after 75 years for marriage certificates and after 100 years for birth certificates. This data can also be found partly on Openarchive, on GenealogyOnline and on, where they also have more information about Bosdrieszen and the USA and Australia.
Only two Bosdrieszen have their own entry in